
Mahina by JackDey

MAHiNA – Reviews / Comments

“G’day splendid Author and Editor ! I’ve got it!!! Mahina is now ready to be devoured… I will try not to forget my family and houseworks!…  I’m delighted to continue Mahina’s reading. Why there is so [little] time in a day?… Yes!!! I’ve finished the reading of Mahina! I’ve really enjoyed it… I’m proud of me, I haven’t cheated to discover the key of the mystery before the end. I also like a lot how you introduce Papa God in the life of your characters and the end’s notes… Now I’m ready reading “Paradise Warrior.”” Dominique

“How dare you only give me eight chapters? I want the whole book!” Corinne 

“MANY THANKS !!! Yes, I have just begun  to read & I couldn’t stop !! Another question where did ya get the names?? I LOVE the AUNTIE Rosa …..wonderful !!… I am relaxing reading your Mahina & I cry & I laugh & I don’t want to put my book down…” Gwennie

Congratulations on your launch! We are very proud of you both for getting it up off the ground!!! May God bless you in a special way for being the servant he asked you to be… Loving reading my hard copy of Mahina!” Marie

“I am looking forward to Mahina soon – not sure why, but I seem to want to put on a grass skirt, a lei, and bring a glass of iced tea to the beach – it sounds Hawaiian!…”  Susan   [Editor’s note: not this time Susan, but who knows? Maybe next time! :)  ]

“…Mahina.  I was up reading half the night last night…” Kathy 

“My favourite character in your book is Auntie Rosa. She’s great !…” Laetitia

“Man that was something !!! WONDERFUL !!! I LOVED MAHINA BOOK !!… Jack, your first book MAHINA was absolutely wonderful !! I became so engrossed in it that at one stage, on the “Annemarie” boat….I felt sea sick !! I lived through ” MAHINA ” & was transported to the Torres Straight, New Guinea & our beautiful Coral Reef so much so that when I had finished your book ….man! I was looking for your next book to pick up straight away!! Yes, I am a Far North QUEENSLANDER too & I live in paradise here & I certainly was captured by “MAHINA ” from the first chapter !! Jack… I loved reading “Mahina” on my iPad ….BUT…. I absolutely LOVE having it in BOOK FORM now…. to have & to hold…. forever mine ! Congratulations Jack & Editor ! Many thanks for all the long hours , days & months of work you both put into this amazing book out of FAR NORTH QUEENSLAND… It’s top class , Jack !! When is ya next book coming out Jack ?? I loved ya book Jack !! You are tops , old  son,  TOPS !!! Over & out !!” Gwennie

“Finished!!!!!! Loved it!!!!!” Marie

“… I spent most of Sunday afternoon reading… and kept chuckling to myself re your comment about how you found yourself praying for some of the characters and then reminding yourself that they weren’t real!!… AND personally signed by the author (before he becomes famous!) Am really enjoying… Thanks for a great read… I have passed [Jack’s] first book on to several people; the first lady really enjoyed it and the second one, who is only a few chapters in so far, said today that she is loving it!! I am still amazed…” E.M.

“A firm handshake for Jack Dey if you see him and let him know that I am thrilled to have a signed copy of his book.” Susan

“I want the next one now!!!!”  C.J.

“I purchased and read Mahina in November 2013 and thought it was a well crafted story that held the reader’s attention all the way through. Aunt Tabbie’s Wings is on my bedside table and I will read it sometime soon. I think it is great that you are writing books and judging by the rapid production of them it seems you are passionate and enjoying it immensely. I think this is fantastic.” Wayne

“Good read.”  Margaret S.

“I loved this book [Mahina]…!” Marie


star star star star star Review on Smashwords by: Dominique on April 18, 2014
Mahina is a brilliant novel that I’ve read with great pleasure. The Author is very smart to describe the human heart in his various characters. I enjoyed also how sincere faith and love for God are lived by some of them. My favorite, Aunty Rosa is especially appealing; it really makes you want to meet her! All the characters sound right and true. At first it seems to be several distinct stories which gradually take place together and it’s surprising to discover how all is connected. As I’m not an Australian and never went there, I learned a lot of interesting things about Queensland and pearl fishers too. Thank you Mr Jack Dey!

starstarstarstar Review on Smashwords by: Kathy Olson on Jan. 04, 2014
Mahina is a fantastic tale involving multiple storylines from both historical times and the present. At first, there seems to be no connection between the various storylines which are beautiful and complex like the threads of fine tapestry. However, Mr. Dey skillfully weaves all the loose threads into a nice, tight, happy ending at the conclusion of the book. The story has strong Christian overtones, especially in the early chapters, which some non-Christians might find off-putting. However, to put the book aside without finishing it would be to waste a memorable and well-told story, full of adventure and romance and even a bit of science fiction woven into the end. Mr. Dey’s knowledge and passion for the sea give the story a realism that draws the reader into the story, despite an occasional turn of events that a skeptic might find convenient. Overall, it is a skillfully woven tale with a satisfying ending. It is a memoralble read. Someone should turn this book into a motion picture. You should read the book.

starstarstarstar Review on Smashwords by: Gary James on Feb. 05, 2014
Mahina is a great read. I really enjoyed Jack Dey’s writing style and weaving a fictional tale through real historic events and locations based in Australia. It appears as though Jack has sailed the very waters of tropical north Queensland that he writes about and his dedication to being accurate with the details adds weight to the realism of the story. He manages to pull the stories of seemingly unconnected and disparate people, from different eras together into one complete storyline. I particularly enjoy stories that have this ‘time’ element to them, that show how events, people or actions in the past can profoundly affect the present. More importantly how God can redeem stories that sometimes start generations before. Mahina has all these elements and written in a very readable style. A great first novel by Jack Dey. Can’t wait for the next!



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Paradise Warrior_JackDey_ebook

PARADISE WARRIOR – Reviews / Comments

“That looks amazing. I’m so excited!!!” Rachel (our artist, on seeing her finished work for the very first time)

“All our congratulations! We are eager to be on April 7th for reading what happens after page 72!… We got it!!!… it will be hard not to read all the day!”  Dominique

“Aaahh, I love quiet Saturday mornings…..sitting here eating bacon n eggs drinking a fresh cup of coffee and reading a great book …..Paradise Warrior. A great start to the day :-)”  Gary

[Paradise Warrior] “… EXCITING BIG TIME”  Shelagh

“Well …I started reading the sample today and then it just stopped. That’s just not right to suck someone in and then leave them hanging! You could pre-release the rest of the book to me and I’ll proof it for you! Looking forward to the next instalment. It better come quickly!” Corinne

“Congratulations Jack! We have bought it and are so eager to read it now!”  Recachu

“Don’t want to put it down!… Loooooooving it! Not enough time in the day! Neeed to read Paradise Warrior!… Loved it! Need to read it again to see the sneaky bits that tie it in throughout the book!” Marie

“I am half-way through ‘Paradise Warrior’ and it is an amazing book! It’s even more complicated than the other one [Mahina] and I’m still not sure that I really know what’s going on. I love the ‘Christian’ theme all through and all the wise counselling Full marks to the author. Can’t wait for book no. 3.”  Maureen

“I’ve finished THAT BOOK and will now have to do something constructive!!! Will you please tell your ‘author friend’ that if book number three is as rivetting as the other two, I will need ‘pulse-reducing’ medication. I can’t believe the depth of all that he was able to bring in to that story!!! (I’m thinking that I will have to stick to “Little Women” and “Heidi” in future.)”  Maureen

Jack, i’ve just started reading “Paradise Warrior.” I am fascinated by how you carefully develop the characters and force the reader to follow the plot carefully. I read so many novels where soon the outcome and theme are transparent. I really appreciate watching things slowly unfold. I also am glad to have found a Christian author who makes biblical principles deeply imbedded in his plot. I am looking forward to reading more of your novels once I’ve finished this one. I’m going to tell my wife about your books… we’ve also been married over 30 years (32), and are both teachers at Christian schools… she teaches history and English while I teach the physical sciences (physics major). I also have a deep love for God’s Word. If you are interested in my opinion regarding science and the Bible topics, please do not hesitate to contact me. Just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your style of writing. Bob B.

“I loved this book [Mahina] but I loved your second book even better (Paradise Warrior)! I love how you tie so many stories, that are seemingly unrelated, into the grand finale at the end if the novel! You are a very talented author! God has given to a wonderful talent that you are using wisely!” Marie

“Jack ….your 2nd book. “PARADISE WARRIOR” is fantastic!! I have read 28chapters til now & I can’t wait to know more!! I absolutely love how it started…set me up for the rest of the book. BUT …I keep wondering …is that… ? Then I think …Now …I don’t konw ?? I LOVE IT , LOVE IT , LOVE IT !! Thanks for a beaut book again Jack.!! Here comes some Christmas gifts to my dear ones of YOUR 2nd fascinating book…. “PARADISE WARRIOR. ” P S …I’m so proud you are a Far North QUEENSLANDER…JACK !! You live amongst our amazing tropical rainforest ….. Our Great Barrier Reef is at our ..”front door “…… The sunshine, the rain, the heat, the cyclones…..all ours & YOU HAVE BEEN ABLE TO USE ALL THESE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE & BECOME ……. OUR AMAZING FAR NORTH QUEENSLAND AUTHOR. JACK DEY …..CONGRATULATIONS. !!!!” Gwennie

“Jack Dey in his novel Paradise Warrior has written a very intriguing and interesting novel… The author has the knack of getting you to the point where your interest has you caught and you are desirous of knowing what is going to happen next. He then leaves you in suspense and changes the scene… keeps the intrigue flowing… the intrigue deepens… comes to a head in the final closing scenes… In all, I found the novel very interesting and easy to read… I suggest you experience the intrigue for yourself.” Phil H

“I finished PWarrior and Tabbies Wings a little while ago. Enjoyed both greatly.” Gary

“I got it ! Made my day! Thank you! By the way, you are a very talented writer. Enjoyed your book very much… Just a note to let you know how much I enjoyed reading Aunt Tabbie’s Wings. I laughed, cried, and just kept reading, reading and reading. Couldn’t put it down. You have captured what it means to forgive and have that agape love for other people that our Heavenly Father has for his children…” Becky and David Poole

“The first one i read was ‘valley of flowers’ and i read the ‘sneek peeks’ from his other books,and i had my interest picqued…greatly I got three more,and i saved Paradise Warrior to be read as the last book. God has used this book to tell me…again,that nothing happens outside his plans.” Kate Hadassah

“Jack your 2nd book PARADISE WARRIOR was absolutely fantastic !! I was so taken in by it that I now wish I had your 3rd book soon coming.. Aunt Tabbies Wings. …..please put aside 3for me when they arrive ? .I absolutely LOVE your style of writing, Jack !. You are a Far North Queenslander….& it’s so great to read of places you write about that I have seen up here in the beautiful Far North . Don’t change , Jack !! You have a wonderful talent given to you by our Heavenly Father, Jack, so keep up your writing….I can’t wait for Aunt Tabbies Wings !!” Jenni Annie Dot

“I’m re-reading …PARADISE WARRIOR…..EXCELLENT !… I can’t wait & knowing Aunt Tabbies Wings will be out soon ….will be fantastic! Yes!!! I’m thoroughly enjoying my 2nd full read of “Paradise Warrior”…Can’t wait for Black Deans Lighthouse either !!!” Gwennie

“Paradise Warrior was a surprising story. I am searching for truth about what you say…” Joy


star star star star star Review on Smashwords by: CayBb on May 29, 2020
I so do agree with the reviewer below [Dominique]. And the writer’s synopsis is well-written and gets you up to speed on the book’s content, so I won’t get into that. But I will say this is a God-respecting man who writes to honor the Lord and expertly uses his gift of writing to minister to others. A pleasant, honorable discovery.

star star star star star Review on Smashwords by: Dominique on April 18, 2014
After reading Mahina, I looked forward to discovering the second novel of Mr Jack Dey and I’ve not been disappointed by Paradise Warrior! The Author is able once again to describe how God works and change the lives of those who put their trust in Him. But do not think that these two novels are alike! Paradise Warrior is much more thrilling fiction. It’s quite impossible to close the book before the end. And when I finished reading it, I’ve read it a second time to enjoy even more all its subtleties, this for the first time in my life. Thank you Mr. Dey for revealing this angels’ dimension to your blissful readers!



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AUNT TABBIE’S WINGS – Reviews / Comments

“Am looking forward to the arrival of Aunt Tabbie’s Wings. Am trying to get all of my gardening work out of the way before the hay fever season, and so that I can sit and read guilt-free!! :) …  Aunt Tabbie’s Wings arrived yesterday… woo hoo!  Thanks for the extra copy, too – I’ll be seeing Maureen at craft this morning.  She will be THRILLED to get it!… Can’t wait to get into it, although I still haven’t quite finished my gardening!!… been in the emergency department twice this week… at least I had lots of time (in waiting rooms) to read Aunt Tabbie’s Wings!!  It made the medical experience so much more enjoyable!  Have finished it now – I even beat Maureen, who said that she can’t put it down… Thanks, again, for a good, clean read!” Elspeth

“Yah!!! got my copy of Aunt Tabbies wings! Housework!! What is that! So loving this Author! Brilliant job Jack Dey!” Marie [Facebook]

“Hi Jack i have just read Aunt Tabbies Wings and loved it so much I would like to purchase in paper back the other books you wrote.  Paradise Warrior, Mahina, and any other one… I was given a copy of your book when I left work as a gift from a friend.  It gave me such pleasure to read it I could not put it down and finished it in one sitting. I read the chapters at the back of the book and would therefore like to read the other books.  I would like a copy of your new one when it is ready and in print.” Trudy R

“Am enjoying Aunt Tabby….very much …. ILOVE it !! I wish I knew Aunt Tabby !” Gwennie

“Dear Jack, this is a short note to say thank you so much for sending us the books for our 100% Hope dinner here on the Gold Coast. We have been so busy like most people but I wanted you to know we raised $14,000 on the night… Trishelle Grady who heads up 100% Hope, lives full time in Uganda… 100% Hope is a wonderful Charity and is fully registered. We are called 100% Hope because 100% of the funds raised go directly to Uganda. Would love to hear back from you, let us know how your newest books are going. Once again thankyou and God Bless you and all your family. Kind Regards,” Noreen O,Brien

“I finished PWarrior and Tabbies Wings a little while ago. Enjoyed both greatly.” Gary

“I have just read Aunt Tabbies Wings. I enjoyed it very much and will it give it to my niece to read…” Lesley M.

“I will finish Tabbie this week…a good read.” Wayne

“I gave your Aunty’s Wings to… and she loved it so much she couldn’t put it down and read through the night!” Corinne

“Aunt Tabbies book is a great inspiration to all who read; and glory to God on the gift he has given to Jack Dey. Waiting on the next one.” Marge

“Corinne… Has re[a]d your books with enjoyment Nice going and great collective imagining from events from afar and their ultimate collective cohesions.” David

“Just finished aunt tabby.  Its a nice story that leaves you with a glow-y feeling at the end.  Nice tribute to your mentor, too.  I see a lot of your heart in that book. You would make the world’s best Dad.  Eternity is a long time and I will be interested to see what Papa has in store for your future.  Keep on writing.  Your doing great…” P.K.

“Hi Jack. A friend of mine (actually Gwennie’s friend) gave me two of your books Mahina and Aunt Tabbie’s Wings to read and keep or give away. They are definite keepers:)  I thought Mahina was great but Aunt Tabbie’s Wings was so gripping I read for hours at a time and have just finished. The story is amazing and how you tie each ‘individual’ story together is what makes reading your books so exciting. Sometimes I just want to skip a chapter and pick up the next part of the story that you just left off, like in Mahina and the incident under the boat. I had to restrain myself but it was very hard. You make it soooo real and I’m just LOVING IT!!! Your inspiration for writing Aunt Tabbie’s Wings may have been painful but you did a great job and I’m sure God will keep blessing you. I only desire that their are more Aunt Tabbie’s out there and I’m praying I could be more like her too. Thank you. I’d like to get more of your books so could you please let me know how to go about doing this. I’m also a North Queenslander living in beautiful Gordonvale and it’s so nice to know you’re here too enjoying this beautiful place. God bless you and your writing. For the glory of God.” Mignon

Shalom. I’ve just finished reading your book “Tabbie’s wings”, and I must say that it is one of the best Christian books I’ve ever read! It is difficult to express by few words what it meant to me, but I’m so grateful to Abba Father for giving me the opportunity to read your book! May the Lord’s peace and grace be with you! Warm greetings from Monica in Norway 🇳🇴

Hey Jack.. I’m Miriam from Kenya and I recently came across your books on The first one I read was Aunt Tabbie’s wings and boy did that book resonate with many things I’ve been thinking about. I’d been wondering what the purpose of my past and present experiences is and after reading the book I figured that I could try and use them to help other people and tell them about our Jesus at the same time. Then I read the Valley of Flowers today and it has reminded me to stay ready and clean because nobody knows the hour or the day.. I’d hate to be left behind.. And can we praise God for the talent that He has given you? Your skills are on another level and thank you for sharing it with so many of us. You entertain and teach whilst offering a ‘clean’ distraction from everyday life. God bless you and your ministry and May He make it possible for so many other seeking souls to locate them and be inspired and blessed. And may He supply you with everything that you need to keep it going… PS: I’ve got all the other books on smashwords lined up and tomorrow as soon as I get time I’ll be reading another one. And maybe I could reread them all once I’m done?


starstarstarstarstar Review on Smashwords by: Suz on Jan. 02, 2015
You don’t have to have a parallel story to relate to the depth of emotion that Aunt Tabbie’s Wings awakens. How can you not thoroughly immerse yourself in the warmth of the Savior’s love demonstrated through real-life characters? I was touched by the storyline, the surprises and the figurative language, “…as the sun yawned away the darkness…” January 1, 2015—the day I read a page-turner from cover to cover. Thanks Jack.

starstarstarstarstar Review on Smashwords by: Dominique on Aug. 14, 2014
Aunt Tabbie’s Wings is fascinating reading. The stories of the various characters seem to be so real. Even if there are lots of tragedy and suffering in the lives of some of them, the reader will be moved by the true love of God showed in a family, which is used to change a ruined destiny. What I have particularly loved in this novel is the genuineness and pertinency of the relationship among the figures and with God. I can recommend this good novel to those who want to be closest to their Heavenly Father and be motivated to spread His love around them.

starstarstarstarstar Review on Smashwords by: Iva Writer on Nov. 20, 2015
Beautiful story! I would strongly recommend this book



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[The Secrets of Black Dean Lighthouse] “Again the author has written another intriguing novel that keeps you desiring to find out what is to happen next. You can’t put it down; you desire to find out what will happen next as this intrigue deepens. Experience and enjoy this intrigue for yourself… Keep up the great work.” Phil 

“…Looking forward to reading…” Alan

“Looks great, Can’t wait to read it!” Gary

“Looks great! Nearly time for a new book!” Corinne

“Hello Jack… Many thanks for the 4 beaut books “Black Deans Lighthouse.” I hope it pours all weekend so I sit and read and read… Hey Jack I LOVE…”Secret of Black Dean Lighthouse “.!,!! Man ! You are something’ else !!!! I reckon you two have the most interesting days when you are writing, Jack !! Now…how is this…???   Katie was Rebecca s Grandmother ?? I have cateracts on my eyes & can’t read like I would love to ….but….that’s how I make the book last …YES!!… So I limited myself to 1hours reading each day…. I adore your characters. !! Fancy !,   [spoiler alert omitted]!!  I love it !!…interesting alright! beats me how the lighthouse will be built ?.  I can’t wait to find out if the baby is a boy or girl….bet It’s a little girl. !AM I RIGHT ANYWHERE???  XX” Gwennie

“Thank you so much for Jack Dey’s books. I’ve still got one to read, so haven’t chosen my favourite as yet. He writes a rollicking good yarn, that man…” Shelley

“Love The secrets of Black Dean Lighthouse! Always good to have a book that’s hard to put down with a twist in the story! I gave your last book (Aunt Tabbie’s Wings) to a friend and she stayed up all night reading it and loved it! I think you’re on a roll! Keep them coming!” CJ

“The secret of Black Dean Lighthouse touched my heart… Your stories are full of adventure and mystery, with many Biblical truths.” Joy



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The Legend of Ataneq Nanuq by Jack Dey


“It gripped me right to the end… fabulous job.” Phil 

“Book cover looks great… lovin’ it… very engaging story. Awesome job!… Really enjoying… Haven’t a clue how to pronounce the title…. How do you pronounce it? [Editor’s Note: At-a-neck Nan-nook]… The only time I have to read is when I am supervising one of my kids in the mornings while he cleans the main hall as penance for a misdeed on school grounds over the summer. It is hard to put your book down when my reading time is done. Its an exciting story… incredible.  A NY times best selling author couldn’t do it better. It is real. It is engaging. It is captivating. Everything you write about Jaimon just comes off the page. Same as when you wrote the boating/sea scenes in Mahina… very well written–the story is great!… You did a really amazing job… The story is engrossing… Your stories stick with me too. I have a strand of pink peals that I inherited from my grandmother and every time I look at them I still think about Mahina… your wonderful book. Can’t wait to read more… I can’t hardly put down… I’ve decided that Cutter is a mixture of the Author, Lenny and Jesus. It’s a good combination… there are few authors out there that can build so many VASTLY different story lines, make each one of them hold my interest on their own and then weave them together as skillfully as you have done it… Darn good writing… a great story.  Didn’t go the way I thought it would and kept me guessing till the end… I think you have what it takes to write a best seller… You have an amazing gift and you are getting better all the time… great job.” Kathy 

“Congratulations!!! You did it! And the cover looks great!… We’ve got it!!!… [Name] is ready to devour Ataneq Nanuq 500 pages! (probably during a few days!) Are you just exhausted or tremendously happy too? Be blessed and renewed by Papa! Here we are getting just a lovely time for reading… raining, raining, raining!… [Name] enjoys her reading! I’m quite moved by… All his feelings sound so real…! I’m looking forward to reading what will happen later!… thrilling author… I’m getting soon no more nail to bite left!!!… Cutter… is a great character too!… My doctor told me I’m not supposed to read too much because my headache :( Never mind, I couldn’t resist to the suspense… enjoyed… Now I’m biting my arms (no more elbow yet!)…! I enjoy a lot reading your book and you are still a better author!!!… I hope knowing the end today! It’s so thrilling!” D.

“Hey that looks great. Very clever!… Both Coz and I have started Nanuq. Coz is way ahead of me. Enjoying it so far.” Gary

“Just read the 1st chapter (teasers) of The Legend if Ataneq Nanuq. I’m sold. Looking forward to devouring it.” Marie 

“Just finished this amazing read! Very different to what I expected but in a good way. Love the ending and all the imagery throughout the book. Well done Jack Dey 😎” Corinne (Facebook)


starstarstarstarstar Review on Smashwords by: Kathy Olson on Oct. 05, 2015 :
This was a fun read. I had a hard time putting the book down. Jack Dey created several very diverse story lines and skillfully braided them into an exciting tale. His characters jump off the page and take up residence in your imagination. Just when you think you can predict which way the story is going, you find that you are wrong, and it will keep you guessing until the end when he skillfully ties all the lose ends into a satisfying knot. Don’t miss this exciting adventure.

starstarstarstarstar Review on Smashwords by: Dominique on Oct. 19, 2015 :
I enjoyed this novel so much. The characters kept me company for the few days that my reading lasted, so much so they seemed real. I also liked the winter world with clever sled dogs as part of the story. There is a lot of suspense too that grips you until you can’t put it down and just have to keep reading, ignoring everything until the story is finished! A great read to recommend!



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The Valley of Flowers by Jack Dey; fabulous Christian fiction

THE VALLEY OF FLOWERS – Reviews / Comments

“Wow you guys are like a well oiled machine!! Another one published already. Hey I like the sneak peek! Very different style to the others. Intriguing……” Gary

“Congratulations!  I’ve just had a look on your web page. The cover is so beautiful! I’m happy you have been able to use this picture. I’m ready to push the download button and read!… Mmmmmm…. I have something to confess. I haven’t been able to wait for Christmas to open my gift….. I’ve already open it and begun reading the 10 first chapters! Hope you won’t be too mad against me! It was too hard!!! Well, as usual I still haven’t understood where you will lead the story but I look forwards to reading further! Now I have a lot of questions… Who is…? Is he… ? What happened? Why is Elly there? Is she…? Where are they? In a…? Who is the beautiful guy with green eyes?… Are you happy? Am I reacting right? Please, don’t answer my questions!!! I enjoy being a little lost in the story!” Dominique

“Looks good. Love the cover! Well done!” Corinne

“Sweet!  Sounds like my kind of book and I really like the cover!!!!! I’m so excited…” S.H.

Just started on Valley of Flowers.  Off to a good, realistic start.” P.K.

“…finished reading “The Valley of Flowers” yet! I was so moved by this “love stories” in the midst of the end events! I was quite amazed by the end! You startle your readers still so smartly!” Dominique

“The first one i read was ‘valley of flowers’ and i read the ‘sneek peeks’ from his other books,and i had my interest picqued…greatly I got three more,and i saved Paradise Warrior to be read as the last book. God has used this book to tell me…again,that nothing happens outside his plans.” Kate Hadassah

Just finished this amazing read! Very different to what I expected but in a good way. Love the ending and all the imagery throughout the book. Well done Jack Dey 😎  Corinne (Facebook)

I have been reading Valley of Flowers this week.  It started off so realistic and then… [spoiler alert omitted] ….its well written but it messes with my head.  Haven’t figured out where it is little less where its going yet.  I can picture it in my mind so its well written…. And when I go to sleep I know I’m going to dream about… [spoiler alert omitted]… in the valley of flowers… Got to read more in the Valley of Flowers today. I think I am in chapter 17 or 18. Hard to put it down but its so confusing! I can’t figure out characters or setting but the imagery is amazing. It is driving me crazy but in a good way. It’s hard to put it down… I just wanted to tell you how much it helped me this week… reading your Valley of Flowers… (Yes I’m behind.  I can’t keep up with how fast you write!)  There is a kind of strength in what you write, even though its fiction.  Its hard for me to put it into words and I’m usually pretty wordy… I have the strongest feeling that Papa is going to use your stories for his purposes…. there is a strength in them beyond just entertainment value…  Really enjoying Valley of Flowers… Only get to read between helping kids in the tutoring center… I did finish Valley of Flowers today. I really, really liked it except for… [spoiler alert omitted]. It was well-written and I could see it in my mind.  The transition… [spoiler alert omitted] really threw me.  I couldn’t figure out what was happening and I got frustrated and put it down for few days.  But after I got into it again, I had a hard time putting it down and I really liked it… The story is super imaginative and there is a strength that runs through it that I cannot put into words and the imagery is fantastic. I love how you captured the holiness of Jehovah.  I can see the whole thing in my mind….those parts of it I loved. While I was reading the story, I did wonder why… [spoiler alert omitted]….but the whole concept of the… [spoiler alert omitted] was amazingly creative and original. It was very romantic story too. It would make a fantastic movie, don’t you think? Your writing is getting better all the time. I will be excited to see what Papa does with it.  Sometimes the words we write are the only thing that out-lives us… Kathy Olson

“I just read a couple of your books wow!!! What can I say! They are heart touching!!! I aspire to be a writer.” Joy

Hey Jack.. I’m Miriam from Kenya and I recently came across your books on The first one I read was Aunt Tabbie’s wings and boy did that book resonate with many things I’ve been thinking about. I’d been wondering what the purpose of my past and present experiences is and after reading the book I figured that I could try and use them to help other people and tell them about our Jesus at the same time. Then I read the Valley of Flowers today and it has reminded me to stay ready and clean because nobody knows the hour or the day.. I’d hate to be left behind.. And can we praise God for the talent that He has given you? Your skills are on another level and thank you for sharing it with so many of us. You entertain and teach whilst offering a ‘clean’ distraction from everyday life. God bless you and your ministry and May He make it possible for so many other seeking souls to locate them and be inspired and blessed. And may He supply you with everything that you need to keep it going… PS: I’ve got all the other books on smashwords lined up and tomorrow as soon as I get time I’ll be reading another one. And maybe I could reread them all once I’m done? ☺


NOTE FROM THE EDITOR:  When I finished reading The Valley of Flowers for the very first time, the only words I could find to describe this book was, “Wow, oh wow oh wow!” Papa God has given Jack a masterpiece with this one and shared His heart and His love with us. It was so breathtakingly beautiful at one point – stunning, actually – that I had to close my eyes to savour the moment, with my mouth opening in a silent, ecstatic, “ohhhh…” and then ended up rushing to find a tissue box before I could continue. This whole journey is to be savoured, but at the same time, I was not wanting to put it down. Whatever you do, do NOT peek ahead or it will spoil the ride for you. Just keep reading and roll with the punches. It started off gently enough, but was like climbing the mountains of Switzerland (emotionally – the setting is NOTHING like Switzerland) with the undulating peaks getting higher and higher. Actually, it was more like a roller coaster ride of twists and turns and highs and dips! But each one getting bigger than the one before. Until that final, breathtaking (but subtle) moment of ecstasy, leaving you sobbing at Papa God’s feet. And then a gentle glide down to the finish, like the roller coaster slowing down after a breathtakingly beautiful ride so everyone can get off… stumble off…! I went to bed lost in love and dreaming of Papa God that night. And the next day I was wrecked! I give you fair warning. :)


starstarstarstarstar Review on Smashwords by: Nadia on March 06, 2016
This was such a beautiful story. Jack Dey really has a talent of weaving a innocent love story with Jehovah’s love for us.



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La Belle Suisse by Dodie La Mirounette and Jack Dey; Christian fiction suspense

LA BELLE SUISSE – Reviews / Comments

“I just read a couple of your books wow!!! What can I say! They are heart touching!!!… My favorite was La Belle Suisse… This was a story I couldn’t put down…” Joy


starstarstarstarstar Review on Smashwords by: Ash on June 22, 2017
[Rating only; no comment]




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Zero by Jack Dey; Christian fiction suspense

ZERO – Reviews / Comments

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR:  I think this one must have scared everybody! :) Be the first to leave a comment!







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NAIVE – Reviews / Comments

“Oh my goodness! I’ve only read a couple pages and I love it!  This is going to be fun, fun, fun. Thanks for the sneak peek – it’s just what the doctor ordered.” Susan







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If you have read any of my books, I invite you to submit a comment or a review. You can leave your review in the comments below; or on Smashwords. Your comment could be selected for the ‘Readers’ Comments and Reviews‘ section of my next book!









19 comments on “Reviews
  1. Craig says:

    It took me a while but I have now finished reading Mahina. The story draws you in chapter by chapter. Thoroughly enjoyed it. When is the next book going to be published? I can’t wait. Craig


    • JackDey says:

      Thanks Craig. I’m really pleased that you liked the story. The next book, Paradise Warrior, will be out in the next few months. Thanks for stopping by to leave a comment.


  2. I read Mahina over two days. It had me from the start. I love the way Jack weaves history with the present and it all comes together like a tapestry in the end with all the loose end tied together. A fabulous book, well worth the read! Can’t wait for the next one!


  3. marie says:

    Was sooo excited to receive a paperback copy of Mahina!
    Am up to chapter 29! I am loving the intrigue! The book is great how the stories are unfolding!Can’t wait to see how it all ties in together at the end!


  4. Hi Jack

    Just finished Paradise Warrior. Again, another great read where you have to focus on several threads as the story unfolds and the big picture is revealed right at the end. You certainly know how to keep the reader hanging for more! Great work! I’m going to read it again!


  5. Susan says:

    MAHiNA was a curious journey into the lives of characters and their history which I found to be engaging and informative. It is hard to put down a novel when the characters are intriguing and the storyline incorporates a variety of threads. Aunty Rosa was the one character that I was especially drawn to; her wisdom and sensitivity were authentic and endearing. It was refreshing to read how the Gospel was infused into each appropriate setting. And the ending was superbly done; tying in each of the real-life issues in a clever and perceptive way.


    • JackDey says:

      G’day Susan.
      Thank you for reading my first book Mahina and taking the time to share your journey.
      Aunty Rosa is a favourite with most readers. Her character is based on the real Aunty Rosa, whom runs an orphanage in New Guinea. A fascinating lady.
      We are chosen children of a wonderful God. Who wouldn’t try to tell of His love and faithfulness, that often overflows out of the lives of those who try to mimic Him. Like Aunty Rosa.
      I am pleased you enjoyed Mahina.
      Regards Jack


  6. marie says:

    I have just finished reading “Aunt Tabbie’s Wings” and really loved it!

    It is a beautiful story of how a families love should be!

    It is a story of unconditional love.

    such a touching and emotional story!!

    Thanks Jack for another fantastic story. It is just what you told me it would be like!!


  7. Paradise Warrior is an amazing book. It makes you laugh, cry and reflect. It is a book that when you finish you wonder about life around you. God’s plan in our life. Thank you Phil Hollet for this amazing gift and….
    Jack, keep up your good work. God bless you!


  8. Elspeth says:

    Having finished Aunt Tabbie’s Wings, all I can say is make sure you have a few meals cooked in advance so that the family doesn’t feel neglected!! Once you start, you won’t want to put it down.


  9. Marie says:

    Just read the 1st chapter (teasers) of The Legend if Ataneq Nanuq.
    I’m sold 😊
    Looking forward to devouring it x


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Brindabella's Prophet_JackDey
Zero by Jack Dey; Christian fiction suspense
La Belle Suisse by Dodie La Mirounette and Jack Dey; Christian fiction suspense
The Valley of Flowers by Jack Dey - A gentle, easy read that will captivate your heart and hold it prisoner as it pleads with every word to take you deeper into an enchanted world of mystery, valour, romance and redemption - Christian Fiction available in paperback & ebook - I invite you to lose yourself in a sample chapter and enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. Jack
The Legend of Ataneq Nanuq by Jack Dey - When injustice and fear collide it has a name… Ataneq Nanuq. A disturbing mystery - Christian Fiction available in paperback & ebook - I invite you to lose yourself in a sample chapter and enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. Jack
The Secrets of Black Dean Lighthouse by Jack Dey - Adventure. Danger. Intrigue. Love. Courage. Redemption. Come on the journey but be warned, once you are onboard there is no turning back and the consequences will leave your head spinning. A haunting mystery with a sting in its tail - Christian Fiction available in paperback & ebook - I invite you to lose yourself in a sample chapter and enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. Jack
Aunt Tabbie's Wings by Jack Dey - available in paperback & ebook
Paradise Warrior by Jack Dey - now available in paperback & ebook
Mahina by Jack Dey - released November 2013 - now available in paperback & ebook
Jack Dey

Do you know God?