Pregnant! I am having a…Book


I have finally climbed out from under my writing desk from whence I have spent most of Christmas, to take a break and share some author insights.

My family have spent most of their Christmas time celebrating without the alleged patriarch, opening the door to the writer den a crack and throwing in food.  For those of us who remember ‘Spot’ on the Addams Family (the fire breathing dragon which lived under the stairs) will have some understanding of the family dilemma.

Back to the insights.

Writing a book can be likened to having a baby and just before the ladies lynch me for having no understanding of these things…

The book is conceived in a moment of madness,  passion and desire that has life long implications.

It keeps you awake all night as you come to terms with feeding it and developing its character/s.

It grows inside you until you can’t take any more and just want it out.

People enquire constantly as to its health and delivery time.

A lot of professional people prod you and want to examine the growth and offer advice.

You develop anti-social behaviour and become tired from spending all your time on your own as the plot grows.

Just as the delivery date closes in, friends and family cheer you on, to keep your pecker up, telling you you’re doing great and you look wonderful, when you know you haven’t slept for weeks and you feel terrible.

Then comes the birth.

The book is finally uploaded to the publisher amidst much puffing, panting and heavy breathing. The pain is incredible! I get morphine jitters remembering.

Once the printed version is laid across your chest, you smile and cuddle the book, proudly showing all and sundry and immediately make plans for another one.

It doesn’t stop there.

If any one should criticise your child, you immediately go to guns-on and let them have it, before asking any questions.

Any of this sound familiar?

For all those talented authors out there. If you have started writing and can’t find a reason to finish the story, consider this.

You maybe writing an Einstein in which the world will be a better place for your suffering.

Time to climb back under my writing desk. See you in a couple of months.

Oh! The baby is doing well. Paradise warrior isn’t for the faint at heart, but it will be a good read.








Jack Dey, born to adventure, lives in the tropical rainforest of North Queensland, Australia. He has three loves in his life: Jesus; the Editor (his wife of 30 something years); and writing adventure novels. He is the author of MAHiNA; Paradise Warrior; Aunt Tabbie's Wings; The Secrets of Black Dean Lighthouse; The Legend of Ataneq Nanuq, The Valley of Flowers; La Belle Suisse (co-authored with Dodie La Mirounette); Zero; Naive; and Brindabella's Prophet. His latest book, Apostate, is currently being researched and written - and you can follow the story along chapter by chapter as he writes in real time! Jack writes only to please Papa God and considers his writing a ministry, demanding nothing from the reader for his e-books. If you like Jack Dey’s books and would like to support his ministry, please consider praying for the team at Jack Dey and telling your friends about his titles. New books are written with the intention of being a pencil in Jesus’ hand and bringing joy and encouragement to you, the reader.

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Posted in Books
2 comments on “Pregnant! I am having a…Book
  1. lorrie says:

    Looking forward to getting a copy of the book. Sounds like a great read. Lorrie


Yak back to Jack



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Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20

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Brindabella's Prophet_JackDey
Zero by Jack Dey; Christian fiction suspense
La Belle Suisse by Dodie La Mirounette and Jack Dey; Christian fiction suspense
The Valley of Flowers by Jack Dey - A gentle, easy read that will captivate your heart and hold it prisoner as it pleads with every word to take you deeper into an enchanted world of mystery, valour, romance and redemption - Christian Fiction available in paperback & ebook - I invite you to lose yourself in a sample chapter and enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. Jack
The Legend of Ataneq Nanuq by Jack Dey - When injustice and fear collide it has a name… Ataneq Nanuq. A disturbing mystery - Christian Fiction available in paperback & ebook - I invite you to lose yourself in a sample chapter and enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. Jack
The Secrets of Black Dean Lighthouse by Jack Dey - Adventure. Danger. Intrigue. Love. Courage. Redemption. Come on the journey but be warned, once you are onboard there is no turning back and the consequences will leave your head spinning. A haunting mystery with a sting in its tail - Christian Fiction available in paperback & ebook - I invite you to lose yourself in a sample chapter and enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. Jack
Aunt Tabbie's Wings by Jack Dey - available in paperback & ebook
Paradise Warrior by Jack Dey - now available in paperback & ebook
Mahina by Jack Dey - released November 2013 - now available in paperback & ebook
Jack Dey

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